No, it’s not an Elvis the Pelvis sighting…

Futuristic Graphics for decoration only.

A University of North Texas doctoral student has a video introduction to machine learning via Google’s “Teachable Machine (TM).” Samantha Norris’ presentation (Norris, n.d.) explains the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) demonstrating that ML and DL are subsets of AI. She then discusses this powerful AI tool suitable for use in K-12 classrooms, or the hands of professional and hobbyist engineers alike.

To show how easy it is to program and operate the AI, a tutorial using a webcam to identify pelvic samples as either male or female (Norris, n.d.) (no Elvis option) shows an amazingly easy to use programming interface requiring zero coding to create a real-time responding AI model.

Elvis Presley dancing on stage

Having a tool like this where anyone can create AI applications puts a tremendous amount of power in the hands of students. Computers will become truly interactive in the classroom. Talk about “breaking the fourth wall,” this should remove it entirely. The challenge teachers using this in the classroom will face now is not whether the students are engaged, but to what extent are they engaged and how much learning will stay on track without going on tangents hunting dragons or unicorns.

Looking around on the TM website shows other examples of educational applications and practical applications for everything from gaming to assistive technology. Further, the AI model can be exported from the cloud and run on microcontrollers like Arduino. Bringing AI to the edge for anyone!


Norris, S. (n.d.). AI Teachable Machine. Retrieved from Google Drive:

Norris, S. (n.d.). AI Teachable Machine – Tutorial. Retrieved from Google Drive:

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